A new Associated Partner

A new Associated Partner

LIFE-C project welcomes a new Associated Partner – the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). After one of the conferences where Prof. Lidia Lombardi presented the project, the Consortium…

The First Life-C master Thesis

The First Life-C master Thesis

The first LIFE-C master thesis is officially defended! Jakub Brodala from the Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering on 14th of November successfully defended his master’s thesis, “Multivariate life cycle…

Life-C Summer School

Life-C Summer School

LIFE-C Summer School is over! We are glad and humbled that our first edition of the first module “Introduction to Life Cycle Thinking and Assessment” was graduated by 48 students.…



Unfortunately, one of the project partners, ValueDo has withdrawn from the project for internal reasons. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to ValueDo for their invaluable contributions and…

A lecture on Carbon Footprint

A lecture on Carbon Footprint

On 17th of January 2024, Szymon Sobek had a chance to deliver a lecutre on Carbon Footprint prepared by Aleksandra Woszczek from LUT, for Automatic Control and Robotics students from…

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author or authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Foundation for the Development of the Education System. Neither the European Union nor the entity providing the grant can be held responsible for them.

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